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Gop Hopeful Nikki Haley Picks Up Two Key Endorsements

GOP hopeful Nikki Haley picks up two key endorsements

Haley is the first Republican candidate to receive endorsements from two Senators.

Haley, the former governor of South Carolina, is seeking the Republican nomination for president.

WASHINGTON, Nov. 28 (Reuters) - Conservative political network led by billionaire Charles Koch on Tuesday endorsed Nikki Haley, the former governor of South Carolina and U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, ahead of the Republican presidential primary.

The endorsement comes as Haley seeks to gain traction in a crowded Republican field that includes former President Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

In addition to the Koch network's endorsement, Haley also received the backing of New Hampshire's Union Leader newspaper on Sunday. Haley is the first Republican candidate to receive endorsements from two Senators.

Haley is a rising star in the Republican Party and is considered a potential frontrunner for the 2024 nomination. She is a vocal critic of Trump and has positioned herself as a more moderate alternative to the former president.

The Koch network's endorsement is a significant boost to Haley's campaign. The network is one of the most influential conservative organizations in the country and has a history of supporting successful Republican candidates.

The Union Leader's endorsement is also a major coup for Haley. The newspaper is one of the most influential in New Hampshire, which holds the first primary in the Republican nominating process.

Haley's campaign is expected to release a statement on the endorsements later today.
